
Wellness exams are an essential part of your pets health, and while younger pets only need to be seen once a year for a physical exam, we recommend senior pets have a physical exam twice a year. Subtle changes in their activity such as eating, drinking, coughing or diarrhea can be hints that something else may be going on. During your pets exam the doctor will do a full head to toe exam while checking the heart rate, respiration rate and other vital signs.

Vaccines will be given at this time if your pet has been deemed healthy. We offer a variety of vaccines for both cats and dogs including


DHPPC (Distemper)

Distemper is a contagious, incurable, often fatal viral disease. Canine distemper occurs worldwide and once was the
leading cause of death in unvaccinated puppies. Widespread vaccination has dramatically reduced its
incidence, however, we at Companion Veterinary Hospital recommend ALL dogs be vaccinated for distemper.


Bordetella, also known as "kennel cough", is a highly contagious bacterial disease characterized
by severe coughing and gagging.  Bordetella is required at most kennel facilities and is highly recommended for any
dog that will be around otherdogs such as attneding obedience class, going to a dog park, or going to a groomer.

Lyme and Lepto

Lyme disease is transmitted by deer ticks. The disease can cause problems in many parts of a dog's
body including the heart,
kidneys and joints.  In some cases, untreated Lyme disease can be fatal.
Dogs can test positive even if they live in the city and never leave their backyard. 
For this reason, we recommend that ALL dogs receive the Lyme vaccine every year.

Leptospirosis (Lepto) is caused by a bacteria that thrives in water. Infection occurs when an animal
(or person) comes in contact with infected urine or urine-infected water such as ponds. 
The disease can result in chronic liver and kidney disease and even death.  We recommend Lepto vaccination
yearly for dogs that hunt or spend a lot of time roaming outdoors where they may swim in ponds (such as at cabins).


Rabies is a very serious, fatal disease that is often carried by raccoons, bats and skunks.
Rabies can also be transmitted to humans. For this reason, the state of Minnesota REQUIRES all dogs and cats to be
vaccinated against rabies.  We use a rabies vaccine that protects your dog or cat from rabies for 2 years.

PRC (Feline Distemper)

Panleukopenia (feline distemper) is a highly contagious, viral disease of cats. The symptoms include vomiting,
diarrhea and seizures.  Panleukopenia is usually fatal in unvaccinated kittens.
Vaccination for feline distemper is recommended for ALL cats.

FeLV (Feline Leukemia)

Feline leukemia is an incurable virus that is transmitted between cats through saliva,
nasal secretions and bite wounds. Mother cats can pass feline leukemia to their kittens.  Infected cats can
live for many years before showing signs of the disease.
We recommend all outdoor cats be vaccinated once a year.


Yearly bloodwork is vital to checking how your pet is feeling internally. Pets hide pain, and are very good at doing so. Checking their Heartworm status along with Liver and Kidney functions are essential to pet health. We offer testing such as

Heartworm/Lyme/Ehrlichia/Anaplasma​ for Dogs

Heartworm/Feline Leukopenia/Feline Immunodefiency virus for Cats

Complete Blood Count/Chemistry Profile/Urinalysis/Thyroid testing

Prevention for Heartworm along with Fleas and Ticks is recommended year round for both cats and dogs and we offer a few different choices in house. Check out our Prevention tab for more information.