
In Minnesota we have a large tick problem, it seems like no matter where you go there are ticks. Many people think that ticks are only in wooded areas and tall grass, but the reality is that where ever there is wildlife, there are ticks. "In Minnesota, there are about a dozen different types of ticks. Not all of them spread disease. Three types that people may come across in Minnesota are the blacklegged tick (aka deer tick), the American dog tick (aka wood tick), and the lone star tick. The blacklegged tick causes by far the most tickborne disease in Minnesota. People in Minnesota are often bitten by American dog ticks but they rarely spread diseases. American dog ticks may spread Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia. Lone star ticks are rarely found in Minnesota, but can spread diseases such as ehrlichiosis and tularemia." (MN Department of Health)


Spreading Disease:
Depending on the tick species, preparing to feed on a blood meal can take 10min-2 hours, this is where the tick will find the perfect spot to feed and yet be hidden. Ticks often like to feed within our pets ear flaps, between paw pads and even underneath the tail. The tick will then slowly start cutting the skin and place a "feeding tube" to start its meal. The saliva often has anesthetic properties so that the animal or person can’t feel that the tick has attached itself. Small amounts of saliva from the tick may also enter the skin of the host animal during the feeding process. If the tick contains a pathogen, the organism may be transmitted to the host animal in this way. Common tick dieases in Minnesota are Anaplasma, Ehrilichia and Lyme, you can visit the CDC website for more information.

Depending on the disease that may have been transmitted, often times we will recommend a course of an antibiotic and some bloodwork to make sure that these disases have not effected the liver, kidneys or blood cells.

Prevention is key when it comes to tick bourne diseases. Using a veterinarian approved tick prevention like Frontline Gold or Nexgard will help protect your pet against these diseases.