End of Life Services

  • Is it time? If not now, when?: Only you can decide with the help of your veterinarian.  Our doctors and technicians have a lot of experience with end of life services and they will provide you with their knowledge and compassion through this difficult time.
  • Euthanansia: We provide a private room where you may take all the time you need with your companion animal.  It will be your choice if you and your family would like to be present.
  • Cremation services and Urns: We have a long-term relationship with cremation services provided by Veterinary Hospital Association.  This service is monitored by a doctors’ association and gives us all peace of mind that we are dealing with a reputable and trustworthy service. You may choose a mass or individual cremation with or without an urn.
  • Paw prints: We offer your pets paw prints molded in a piece of clay that you take home to bake to those that would like this personal memento.
  • Grieving families: The Humane Society offers a wonderful counseling program every Monday night